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Join us on Saturday, October 2 for another MBA Zoom Masterclass! These sessions will focus specifically on preparing Senior Honour Band Auditions.


Thanks to the generosity of the Winnipeg Foundation and Manitoba Arts Council, participation is FREE for all participants and has been designed to connect students across the province with local clinicians.


We will be using Zoom breakout rooms to separate instrument groups, so it is recommended that you use a computer to join (if possible, not required). These are meant to be interactive sessions, so having your instrument ready to play is strongly encouraged!











Flute - Alex Conway

Oboe - Elizabeth Miller

Clarinet - Catherine Wood

Bassoon - Scott Miller

Saxophone - Andrew Klassen

Trumpet - Andrew Littleford

French Horn - Michiko Singh

Low Brass - Aaron Wilson

Percussion - Brendan Thompson




Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet & Low Brass


Flute, Oboe, Bassoon, French Horn & Percussion

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